Friends of WAWWA | Calum Reilly

You may have seen Callum Reilly recently modelling the new AW19 WAWWA collection in our Can't See The Wood campaign video, but he's not just a pretty face! He'll soon be creating his own videos as he's heading off to Berlin to do his masters in Film this space! We caught up with Callum after the shoot to chat about films and farming...
So you joined us on our road trip to Snowdon for the shoot...
Yeah, the trip out to Snowdonia was a proper treat. A perfect little expedition! I'll definitely be returning soon to explore some more, it's easy to forget about the amazing natural havens the UK has to offer.
What did you think to the new collection?
All the clothes were great, super comfortable and fit really well. I'm a big fan of the illustrations on some of the t shirts and hoodies. I was particularly keen on the Jonah sweatshirt and the khaki green beanie, I can definitely see myself wearing them when the weather gets a bit more Siberian.
So you mentioned that you'll be doing your masters in Film in Berlin. What inspired this decision?...and do you have any film recommendations for us?
I'm planning on studying a Film Making masters in Berlin next autumn. The decision came about after getting more of an insight into independent film and documentary-making. Living in London gave me the chance to go and watch some really inspiring weird and wonderful films from all over the world at BFI Southbank and made me want to pick up a camera! I think film making requires you to explore and actively search for visually interesting subjects and I think this suits me as a person. I'm excited to study film properly as well as experience a new city and culture.
I've seen a few good films recently that people should check out if they haven't already - Amator (1979) dir. Krzysztof Kieślowski, Elephant (2003) dir. Gus Van Sant, Night on Earth (1991) dir. Jim Jarmusch, God's Country (1985) dir. Louis Malle, The Passanger (1975) dir. Michelangelo Antonioni.
You also mentioned that you will be working away in Italy for a few months farming!
Yeah! I'm going to be working on a few different organic farms and vineyards around Italy & Spain over winter. My dad was a farmer and it's always been something that's been a part of my life. I'm excited to get stuck in and I think it will be an interesting insight into where our imported food comes from and to see how people live in the remote farming villages across Europe. The decision came about for a few reasons really - I enjoy being active and working outside and this opportunity is giving me the chance to do that as well as travel. I'll also undoubtedly come across some interesting characters and subject matters that I could potentially film and create a short documentary for my masters portfolio.
Do you find that nature has an influence on what you do?
Definitely! It's really important for me to get out of the city and into nature as much as I can. It gives my brain a reboot and I've noticed I'm a lot more creative and proactive after getting some fresh air down me lungs!
Are there any causes or charities you feel an affinity with? Or environmental issues that you feel strongly about at the moment?
There are a tonne of environmental charities on my radar at the moment and I think it's a really important and pressing time to get involved with sustainability and conservation projects. I found farm work in Italy & Spain through an organisation called WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) which enables anyone and everyone to get involved with varying jobs in organic farming across the world in 132 different countries. Another is Conservation International which mainly focus on marine conservation and are working hard to clear the millions of tonnes of plastic that pollute our oceans' ecosystems. My brother is going out to Indonesia for a few months to help where he can!